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New Apps
- Street Fighter X Tekken: Jin (Swap Costume)
- UnderRail
- Blades of Worlds
- Cross The Red Line
- Fantasy Grounds - Deadly Delves: Along Came a Spider (5E)
- Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness
- Vertical Drop Heroes HD
- Viki Spotter: Professions
- Train Simulator: CSX C30-7 Loco Add-On
- Azada® : In Libro Collector's Edition
- NeuroMatrix
- Square x Square
- Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Captain Marvel Warbird Costume
- Skyland 1976
- Worshippers
- NTBSS: Master Character Pain Early Unlock
Popular Apps
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX with Power Up Kit / 三國志IX with パワーアップキット
- Apex Predator Pack
- Staff Wars: Wizard Rumble
- Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC
- Fat[EX] Courier Simulator
- Uagi-Saba
- Imhotep, Pyramid Builder
- Undead Development
- Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Expansion
- Charlie | The Legend
- Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials
- Brain Games
- Aircraft War: Tank Wars
- PC Building Simulator - NZXT Workshop
- Endless Legend™ - Inferno
- Mulaka
- Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey / フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~
- G.A.C.K. - Gaming App Construction Kit
- Star Trek™: Judgment Rites
- Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum